var age_verification_popup_title= "Data Protection Warning";var age_verification_popup_description = "The content of this website is property of Belle Fierté. Copying our images or taking any data from our website may result into legal claim against the offenders Please accept the confirmation before you proceed with browsing. Please select date below and click submit before you proceed further.";var age_verification_min_age = "0";var age_verification_success_url = "";var age_verification_unsuccess_url = "";var age_verification_success_header_text = "Thank You";var age_verification_success_body_text = "You are now redirected to our website.";var age_verification_unsuccess_body_text = "";var age_verification_storage_type = "sessionStorage";var age_verification_expires_days = ""; function TF_AgeVerificationCSS(filename){ var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var style = document.createElement('link'); style.href = filename; style.type = 'text/css'; style.rel = 'stylesheet'; head.append(style); } function TF_AgeVerification(){ ! function(e) { $(window).scrollTop(0); e.ageCheck = function(r) { var t = e.extend({ minAge: 21, redirectTo: "", title: "Age Verification", copy: "This Website requires you to be [21] years or older to enter. Please enter your Date of Birth in the fields below in order to continue:" }, r), o = { month: "", day: "", year: "", age: "", errors: Array(), setValues: function() { var r = e(".month").val(), t = e(".day").val(); o.month = r, = t.replace(/^0+/, ""), o.year = e(".year").val() }, validate: function() { return o.errors = [], /^([0-9]|[12]\d|3[0-1])$/.test( === !1 && o.errors.push("Day is invalid or empty"), /^(19|20)\d{2}$/.test(o.year) === !1 && o.errors.push("Year is invalid or empty"), o.clearErrors(), o.displayErrors(), o.errors.length < 1 }, clearErrors: function() { e(".errors").html("") }, displayErrors: function() { for (var r = "
" + r.replace("[21]", "" + t.minAge + ""), n += '
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"; e(".ac-container").html(r), setTimeout(function() { e(".ac-container").animate({ top: "-350px" }, 200, function() { e(".ac-overlay").animate({ opacity: "0" }, 500, function() { "" != t.redirectTo ? window.location.replace(t.redirectTo) : e(".ac-overlay, .ac-container").remove() }) }) }, 2e3) } }; return "true" == sessionStorage.getItem("ageVerified") ? !1 : (o.buildHtml(), e(".ac-container button").on("click", function() { o.setValues(), o.validate() === !0 && (o.setAge(), o.age >= t.minAge ? (o.setSessionStorage("ageVerified", "true") || console.log("sessionStorage not supported by your browser"), o.handleSuccess()) : (o.errors.push("You are not old enough"), o.displayErrors())) }), void e(window).resize(function() { o.reCenter(e(".ac-container")), setTimeout(function() { o.reCenter(e(".ac-container")) }, 500) })) } }(jQuery); $.ageCheck({ minAge: age_verification_min_age, redirectTo: age_verification_success_url, title: age_verification_popup_title, copy: age_verification_popup_description, success: null, successMsg: { header: age_verification_success_header_text, body: age_verification_success_body_text, }, underAgeMsg: age_verification_unsuccess_body_text, storage: age_verification_storage_type, }); } if(typeof jQuery == 'undefined'){ var headTag = document.getElementByTagName("head")[0]; var jqTag = document.createElement('script'); jqTag.type = 'text/javascript'; jqTag.src = ''; jqTag.onload = 'TF_AgeVerification'; headTag.appendChild(jqTag); }else{ TF_AgeVerificationCSS(''); TF_AgeVerification(); }